HCTV Studio March 22, 2010
800 Main Street 7:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Hank Ouellette, Patt Popple, Larry Popple, Ginny Ursin
ALSO PRESENT: Johnny Suire, Public Access Director, LeeAnn Hedberg, WRHS Faculty Member
WRHS Video Production: Johnny introduced LeeAnn Hedberg, an English Teach at WRHS. LeeAnn teaches 3 sections (80 students) of Filmmaking using editing systems and cameras that HCTV loaned about 5 years ago. Most students use their family's equipment: the HCTV loaned equipment makes it possible for students without home access to video equipment to participate in the Filmmaking course. A typical class of 25 will break down to a 5 or 6 filmmaking groups. When suitable, the videos they produce are shown on Channel 13. The loaned equipment is rapidly becoming osbolete and incompatible. LeeAnn would like to up-grade this equipment to keep current. She noted that the equipment students are using from home are often if not always more up to date than the loaned equipment. LeeAnn also went over the sign-out and security arrangements she uses
at the school. She advises the students that their productions should contain no illegal, dangerous or inappropriate activity. LeeAnn is also advisor to the Filmmaking Club, and this will be the 3rd year of the Wachusett Film Festival.
The Committee members were impressed with LeeAnn's presentation (which included her course syllabus) and asked Johnny to make a recommendation at our next meeting for replacing and adding to her present HCTV loaned equipment.
Budget Update: Johnny and Larry attended the Finance Committee review of the Cable Enterprise Fund Budget. There were few questions, the main one being the breakout of insurance costs to enterprise funds this year. This breakout recognizes that enterprise funds should be covering their share of costs for items such as equipment insurance, etc.
Larry was concerned because the Chairman of the Finance Committee wants to strictly limit the spending by the Cable Fund to amounts budgeted rather than to the limit set by statute. On the surface this sounds sensible. However, in practice, it is not: each year the budget is set based upon the previous year plus anticipated increases for rent, utilities, salaries, etc. The one exception is equipment. Each year a place-holder of $60,000.00 is entered with the understanding that as projects develop during the year this figure may be exceeded. In any case, we cannot spend more than the funds that are available as a grant from the cable company or the statutory limit of 1% of last year's total Holden tax base, whichever is less. This has worked well and Larry sees no reason to change. It will serve no practical purpose and will make it difficult
to smoothly complete projects.
Conflict of Interest: Johnny reminded us that the materials sent to each committee member in December must be acknowledged in writing and returned to the Town Manager's Office. Online Training must be completed by April 2, 2010. If committee members have any questions, they should contact the Town Manager's Office.
Director's Notes:
a. Satellite Dish Update: Actuator motor failed...$580 to complete.
Fund Balance: (from Lori Rose, Town Accountant): "Your available balance as of 2/28/10 is $137,256.57 (this is your prior year ending balance less spending to date [02/28/10] of $119,409.07, no revenue since the charter money has not come in yet)."
b. Pro Video Show March 12-13, 2010 Dedham Holiday Inn - Johnny attended, gathered much information and purchased DV camera tapes at a savings of $400.00.
c. Audio Journal Update: They moved their transmission antenna and it caused some reception problems but they have been resolved.
d. Studio Rent Lease up in August 2010: Johnny will contact Jacquie Kelly about getting and renewing the lease since there is no other suitable space in Holden. The new lease should coincide with the Charter License Renewal ending in March 2020.
e. Town Report: Johnny reviewed the HCTV portion of the 2009 Town Report with the committee.
f. New Intern/Volunteer is Brian Meagher, a student at WRHS.
g. Latest Productions: Faces & Places: 15 new shows in the can ready to air, several scheduled for taping
On the Road: wrapped up show #28, Computer Maintenance, scheduling shoots for next program.
Holden Garden Club Annual Dinner
WRHS Holiday Concerts, completed on air.
WRHS 29th Madrigal Dinner Concert, completed, on air.
WRHS Super bowl, near completion, on air this week.
WRSD Literacy Initiative pt 2 "Customizing Reading Instruction", complete, on air dubs being distributed to Paxton, Sterling, and maybe Rutland.
Taste of Towns, March 31, 2010 at The Manor.
Good Neighbor Award march 18, 2010 Live
"To Your Good Life" produced in conjunction with HCTV and Oriol Healthcare, TYGL discusses issues related to mature wellness for viewers in the Wachusett region. Diets, exercise, preventing falls, any other topics...air late this month on HCTV, online and in surrounding communities.
h. Hometown Video Awards, March 27, 2010 deadline. Entering: WRSD Literacy Initiative Readers Workshop, On The Road 027-Dining Out in Holden, Faces & Places-USS Franklin
j. Johnny is hoping to add another part-time person in the FY2012 budget due to the increase in productions and not be dependent upon only one part-time person.
5. WRHS: Tim Either will be retiring from the faculty this year. This will leave a void as Tim handles AV duties at the high school and cable casting the school committee meetings. Johnny is going to meet with the principal to discuss this and the problems with the sound system in the auditorium.
6. HealthCare Budget Item Discussion: Johnny gave us a heads-up that he may be picking up Holden employee health insurance next fiscal year. He has been covered by his wife's insurance up to now, but her coverage will be changing for the worse next year.
7. Equipment Purchase: We had planned on purchasing new portable video cameras in the near future to replace the aging equipment we are using. Johnny has found 3 used Sony HDR FX7 camreas in excellent condition. They were used briefly by a private production for one project. These cameras list for $2,000.00 each but they are available to us for $1,300.00 each. it was MOVED and PASSED to expend $3,900.00 for this purchase.
8. Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 15, 2010 at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Popple